Do You Need QuickBooks Bookkeeping For Your Electrical Contractor Company?
After reviewing these questions if you would like to have an open and honest conversation with us about how you can have professional QuickBooks Bookkeeping for your electrical contracting company please contact Sharie at 206-361-3950 or by email
The call is free and you can find if outsourced QuickBooks bookkeeping is right for you and your electrical contracting Company.
Regardless of your current financial situation if we agree that we are a good fit for your electrical contracting company we will work hard to tailor a plan that fits your budget and serves your outsourced QuickBooks bookkeeping needs.
We will assign a QuickBooks expert to review and cleanup any previous QuickBooks bookkeeping mistakes which means your bookkeeping and financial reporting headaches are a thing of the past! And as part of our outsourced bookkeeping services for your electrical contracting company we will make sure your QuickBooks setup is done right.
Are You Experiencing Any Of The Dirty Dozen QuickBooks Bookkeeping Problems?
Sales Tax Reports?
Payroll Preparation?
Payroll Tax Reports?
Labor & Industry Reports?
Employment Security Reports?
Change Orders?
Accurate Bank Balance
Accurate Receivables
Accurate Payables
Accurate Profit And Loss Report
Accurate Balance Sheet Report
Are You Caught Up In Bookkeeping Drama!
Let Me Set The Stage:
Contractors like to be in control. Your work is tangible; it can be seen, touched and judged good or bad. Bookkeeping is intangible; paperwork goes to the bookkeeper and they put everything into computer.
ACT - I Shocking Reports:
Your bookkeeper generates financial and job cost reports, you read them and you have a gut-feeling they are wrong, so you check them and discover the following:
The Bank balances are WRONG!
Supplier balances are WRONG!
Customer balances are WRONG!
ACT – II The Fuse Is lit:
You realize your company finances are in chaos which causes the primeval "Fight or Flight" reaction and the blame game starts.
ACT - III Everyone Gets Angry:
You tell the bookkeeper: “All you have to do is push a few keys, how hard can it be? I should be able to push a button and get accurate %*&#@ financial and job costing reports! What is wrong with you?”
The bookkeeper tells you: “When you start bringing me ALL the paperwork to put into QuickBooks you will have your %*&#@ reports!
You reply “Now I’m really disgusted! You are incompetent, lying, you think I am stupid or just simply trying to put me out of business!”
The discussion ends with everyone frustrated and no solution in sight.
Does The Current QuickBooks Bookkeeping Person Feel Like This When Working On QuickBooks?
Can You Trust Your Financial Reports Or Are They Worthless?
Do You Have A QuickBooks Expert Who Can Take Over If The Person Doing It Now Quit, Got Fired Of Stopped Showing Up?
Does Your Banker, Annual Tax Preparer, Bonding Agent Or Business Coach Appear Lost And Confused When Reviewing Your Financial Statements Layout?
Can You Afford A Construction Bookkeeper?
Or Is This What You Have Now?
Is This What You Need?
Are Vendors, Suppliers Specialty Trade Contractors Calling To Get Paid? Worse Yet Are They Being Overpaid Because Of Bad Bookkeeping?
Are you are having cash flow problems?
Are You Fighting QuickBooks Bookkeeping Issues And Financial Fires Instead Of Getting Your Paying Work Done?
Do You Have A Bad Bookkeeper Trying To Put You Out Of Business? If So, You Should Have Fired Them A long Time Ago!
Bad Bookkeepers, Cheap Bookkeepers, Incompetent Bookkeepers, Bookkeepers That Steal From Contractors, and Tax Accountants not skilled in Construction Accounting can destroy your construction company and leave you stranded on the highway of commerce.
Is Your Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Spouse Or Relative Doing The Construction Bookkeeping Services For Your Company?
Most of the time they have good intentions but not the 10,000 hours of practice and training it takes to become a professional in construction accounting or providing the outsourced bookkeeping services your construction company needs.
The really sad part is trying to make someone into a skilled construction accounting professional or even someone who can do the basics of QuickBooks bookkeeping services specialist usually means the relationship will end in tears and hard feelings.
We see it all too often, loving caring people end up hating each other and missing out on some good times in the years to come all because of a simple misunderstanding of how much more intensely difficult construction QuickBooks bookkeeping services is compared to any other QuickBooks bookkeeping services.
The reason is simple, as a contractor you pack up your entire company and drive it to your customer's location vs. retail stores and offices where customers come to a fixed location. The difference in QuickBooks bookkeeping is huge!
So, don't do it, never, ever! We have seen a number of divorces and broken relationships over the past 30+ years because a contractor thought construction bookkeeping services was simply "pushing keys on a keyboard" which they sincerely believe anybody, even an apprentice, could do it. Our experience has shown over and over watching other contractors mistakes that it never, ever works as well as you think it will.
Professional outsourced bookkeeping services and the more highly skilled construction accounting services can give you the financial statements, payroll processing, quarterly tax return preparation, job costing and a whole lot more for a lot less than you are spending now in most cases.
How Can Outsourced QuickBooks Bookkeeping Save You Time And Money?
You are a contractor and you make money doing what you do best because you like it and perhaps you even love it! The days you have the most fun in your construction company are the days you make the most money because you are solving somebody else's problems. You are a super hero!
Every hour you spend doing QuickBooks bookkeeping or overseeing QuickBooks bookkeeping is one more hour you could investing on selling or doing contracting.
Enjoy Peace Of Mind Knowing That All Your Outsourced Bookkeeping Services Done At Our Lynnwood Washington
None of your sensitive documents are sent overseas, left on the kitchen table at some freelance bookkeeper's home office to be lost, misplaced and shared with your competition or worse!
Consider outsourced bookkeeping services and perhaps later when you have useful financial reports and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that we have shown you how to understand and use then you can think about your Board of Advisors that can help you focus on growing your construction company profits in a way that can provide a stable income for you and your family for generations to come.
Fill Out The Form And Get The Help You Need!
Need Help Now?
Call Sharie 206-361-3950
Outsourced Construction Accounting Services
Outsourced Construction Bookkeeping Services
Our Co-Founder:
Sharie DeHart, QPA, is the President of Business Consulting And Accounting (Fast Easy Accounting) in Lynnwood, Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations. She offers insights on managing the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. Call 206-361-3950 or