"In construction money is made in the office; not in the field" - Randalism

Our Contractor Clients Often Ask - Why some of their competitors appear to be making a lot of money than they do when they seem to be doing similar work.

Here Are The Top Five Secrets - We used in our construction businesses in the past and that we see successful Construction Company Owners doing now that keep them in the top 20% of the income producers.

#01 They Know What They Want - From their construction business. They took the time to think about what they want and they wrote it on a piece of paper by hand in cursive, just a paragraph or two and they keep in a private location. Somewhere they can see it at least once a week and they hold that vision in their mind.

#02 They Plan Their Work And Work Their Plan - Sounds simple right? Well it is and here is the overall strategy for your Business Process Management (BPM) System. Developing a business plan is a lot of work; however, there is system for everything and once you know the answers the questions will not bother you. There are several options and we recommend purchasing some Business Planning Software and schedule a Free One Hour Consultation with Sharie to review your current situation.

#03 Bread For The Head - They feed their mind. Most millionare contractors have a library card, yes in this day and age they have a library card. They read good books on a wide variety of subjects, biographies of successful people, books about art and science, social issues, philosophy and other subjects so secret three is get a library card and spend some time purusing books and find a subject you know nothing about and reading whatever interests you. To get you started we have a webpage with a list of the most popular books this group reads and re-reads regularly Recommended Reading List Then click on Thoughts And Inspirations.

#04 They Understand LevelingWhich means they spend time with people who will support them and whom they can support. Read more about this concept in Think And Grow Rich, By Napoleon Hill and pay close attention to the discussion regarding the "Master Mind Group". Be careful that term has been hi-jacked and there are many jolly jokers out there putting together so called "Master Mind Groups". Study Napoleon Hill's Book Think And Grow Rich and you will know the right group when you find it.

#05 They Build Their Business - Like a Parthenon supporting it with many pillars of M.A.P. and processes all wrapped inside their Strategic Business System; because they understand the true meaning behind the phrase "The System Is The Solution"

Many Unsuccessful Construction Companies - Build their business on the Diving Board Principle using one simple method..."Systems? Processes? Business Plan? Are you crazy? Who has time for that stuff? Our plan is simple we plan to make a lot of money!"  This reminds me of the phrase "Leverage Is Great....Until The Stick Breaks!

These Are A Fraction - Of the Threads of Success Weaved Into The Fabric Of Success In Owning And Operating a successful and profitable construction business. Please visit our site http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/ and wander through early and often as we are continuously adding fresh new content. Pay close attention to the page Who We Help.

One Final Hint - Successful, highly paid contractors understand this one key concept "In construction money is made in the office developing and implementing strategy; not in the field by working pushing the boundaries of tactical efforts working harder and faster."

For Example - A backhoe takes longer to mobilize and demobilize on and off a job site than a shovel, and it takes more skill. Tactics means using a shovel for all earth moving projects. Strategy means knowing when to use a backhoe and when to use a shovel.

Profitable Construction - Companies have known about the value of outsourced bookkeeping services for a long time and now you know about it too!

Business Process Management (BPM) For Contractors

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Our Co-Founder:

Sharie DeHart, QPA, is the President of  Business Consulting And Accounting (Fast Easy Accounting) in Lynnwood, Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations. She offers insights on managing the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. Call 206-361-3950 or sharie@fasteasyaccounting.com.