I Have Been A Successful Contractor In Training Since I Was Eight Years Old
I was raised in a great environment. My parents were wonderful people who always did their best and could always be counted on to provide food, clothing, shelter, and opportunity to attend school where I earned my High School Diploma. After that, I attended several Colleges and Universities to further my education.
The point of this article is for contractors who are having any financial struggles is to provide you with the time-tested and proven answer to more cash flow and profits as soon as possible!
I was raised in a great environment. My parents were wonderful people who always did their best and could always be counted on to provide food, clothing, shelter, and opportunity to attend school where I earned my High School Diploma. After that, I attended several Colleges and Universities to further my education.
The point of this article is for contractors who are having any financial struggles is to provide you with the time-tested and proven answer to more cash flow and profits as soon as possible!
The Simple Answer Is Sell Your way Out!
When I was growing up there wasn't money for allowance so I developed my own. I tried many things and discovered nobody would hire an eight-year-old kid part-time after school. So I started acquiring things I could sell door-to-door in our neighborhood.
Retailing Pecans $0.35 A Pound Door-To-Door - I purchased brown paper lunch bags from the supermarket. Then I Gathered up pecans that fell on the ground under the tree in our yard, put them in a brown paper bag on the bathroom scale and increased pecans until it equaled one pound, rolled up the top of the bag and repeated the process until I had ten pounds. Then I walked door-to-door in our neighborhood selling them, and I did not stop until I had sold them all.
Selling Puzzles Door-To-Door - Our next door neighbor, an industrial parts salesman, had access to small puzzles. I purchased them for $0.05 each and sold them door-to-door for $0.10 each. Every weekday after school I would sell all ten before arriving back home.
Selling Pencils Door-To-Door - I purchased 20 pencils from the local office supply store $.0025, two for a nickel. I sold them door-to-door in our neighborhood for $.05 each and I did not stop until I had sold them all.
I always had money for comic books, toys, milkshakes, birthday presents, Christmas presents and even opened a savings account.
Those life lessons served me well into adult life as a contractor, business owner, entrepreneur and real estate investor.
How Does This Help You?
It All Comes Down To Cause And Effect – You will accomplish what you anticipate. For many years people believed the world is flat and some people still believe it. For many years people believed it was unimaginable for a human to run a mile under four minutes. That is until May 06, 1954 when Roger Banister did it.
Condition Yourself For Success!
Be-Do-Have - Be The Person, Do The Work, Have The Results. In life contractors generate reasons or results and, reasons don’t count.
The Secret Is In Thinking Patterns And Habits
Success is a few simple disciplines practiced everyday
Failure is a few errors in judgment repeated everyday
Over the years I have accomplished great things and generated some spectacular malfunctions in construction. Success lands whenever I have procured mentors that are already at where I am headed. Failure always comes from engaging people who cannot produce results but think they can.
Though the dogs (negative people) may bark, the caravan (long line of successful contractors) moves on. - Randalism
Choose wisely the six people you invest the most of your time with as The Leveling Process Operates 24/7/365
Leveling Is Key To Your Success As A Contractor
Birds And People - Flock together with others like themselves because it is comfortable. It only makes sense to soar with eagles rather than keeping your head down pecking at the ground with the chickens.
Your Income - Is typically within 20% of the average of the six people you spend the most time with.
Leveling Down - If you spend most of your time at the “Contractors Business Round Table”, this is a little round table in a tavern with a pitcher of beer and several contractors all earning $40,000 a year or less telling each other how to run their businesses then your income will hover between $32,000 and $48,000 (20% plus or minus $40,000).
Leveling Up - As you develop your Business Strategy for your construction company your income is likely to increase. The impact on your friends will not be pleasant as you will be proving that good people can win in the construction game by playing it with high moral and ethical standards and the willingness to try something different.
The Simplest Way To Level Up - is read about successful people. Watch movies about successful people. Surround yourself with successful people and understand "You Alone Stand Guard At The Portals Of Your Mind" - Randalism
The Salesman’s Prayer By Og Mandino.
This bit of text one of my mantras. It's extremely powerful and if you interpret it carefully you will discover the hidden meaning.
"Oh creator of all things, help me. For this day I go out into the world naked and alone, and without your hand to guide me I will wander far from the path which leads me to success and happiness.
I ask not for gold or garments or even opportunities equal to my ability; instead, guide me so that I may acquire ability equal to my opportunities.
You have taught the lion and the eagle how to hunt and prosper with teeth and claw. Teach me how to hunt with words and prosper with love so that I may be a lion among men and an eagle in the market place.
Help me to remain humble through obstacles and failures; yet hide not from mine eyes the prize that will come with victory.
Assign me task to which others have failed; yet guide me to pluck the seeds of success from their failures. Confront me with fears that will temper my spirit; yet endow me with courage to laugh at my misgivings.
Spare me sufficient days to reach my goals; yet help me live this day as if it were my last. Bathe me in good habits that the bad ones may drown; yet grant me compassion for the weaknesses in others. Suffer me to know that all things shall pass; yet help me to count my blessings of today.
Expose me to hate so it be not a stranger; yet fill my cup with love to turn strangers into friends. But all these things be only if thy will. I am a small and lonely grape clutching the vine yet thou hast made me different from all others.
Verily, there must be a special place for me. Guide me. Help me. Show me the way Lord. Let me become all you planned for me when my seed was planted and selected by you to sprout in the vineyard of the world.
Help this humble salesman…..Guide me, God."
From: The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
Get everything Og Mandino has ever written, interpret it, study it, appreciate it, apply it. You will be rewarded!
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About The Author:
Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor, QuickBooks For Contractors Expert and Xero Accounting Specialist. This combination of experience and skill sets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant, and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and Xero accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/randal-dehart/ to learn more.
Our Co-Founder Randal DeHart - Is a Certified PMP (Project Management Professional) with several years of construction project management experience. His expertise is construction accounting systems engineering and process development. His exhaustive study of several leading experts including the work of Dr. W. Edward Deming, Michael Gerber, Walter A. Shewhart, James Lewis and dozens of others was the foundation upon which our Construction Bookkeeping System is based and continues to evolve and improve. Check out our Contractor Success Map Podcast on iTunes and Follow Randal on Google+
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