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Discover The Importance Of A Solid Business Plan For Your Contracting Company

Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Jul 12, 2024

Starting a construction business without a plan is like setting sail without a compass. While you might eventually reach your destination, the journey will likely be longer and more challenging. A well-constructed business plan is essential for guiding your business toward success.
Here's why
It Clarifies Your Vision
A business plan helps you articulate the vision for your enterprise. It forces you to think through every aspect of your business, including what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there. This clarity is crucial for communicating your vision to potential investors, partners, and employees.
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Topics: Strategic Planning, Business Plans, Business Plan For Your Construction Company, Systems, Business Planning For contractors, Construction Systems And Processes

Your Contracting Company Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities And Threats

Posted by Randal DeHart on Fri, Feb 06, 2015

Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities And Threats Analysis (S.W.O.T.) Are among the tools we use to help construction companies like yours to evaluate your geographic and demographic target markets and develop strategic plans to increase you company sales, cash flow and bottom line profits by focusing on a few Key Strategies that require the least amount of effort and generate optimum sales cash flow and profits for you contracting company.

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Topics: Strategic Planning

Fast Easy Ways Contractors Can Increase Profits Immediately

Posted by Randal DeHart on Wed, Feb 22, 2012

Provide Light Snacks And Beverages - For your employees and your bottom line profits may increase substantially.

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Topics: Snacks And Beverage Make Money, Strategic Planning, Reports, Increase Profits Now

Construction Workers Fully Burdened Payroll Costs

Posted by Randal DeHart on Thu, Nov 17, 2011

Thinking About Adding Construction Workers To Your Payroll?

In Some Cases - You may be better off outsourcing to a professional construction labor service like Madden Industrial Craftsmen especially when you consider the cost of a bad hiring decision.

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Topics: Outsource, Outsourced labor, Outsourced Construction labor, Construction workers costs, Construction, fully burdened labor costs for construction worker, Strategic Planning

Maximize Vs. Optimize Which Is Better For Your Construction Company?

Posted by Randal DeHart on Tue, Nov 15, 2011

This Is Max's Story - *Max had a construction company in the previous century in the early 2000's and this is a brief recap of some of what he discovered including how the 80/20 Rule applies to his general contracting business.

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Topics: Strategic Planning, Business Process Management For Contractors, 80 20 Rule, Optimize Vs. Maximize

BCG Matrix For Construction Companies

Posted by Randal DeHart on Wed, Nov 09, 2011

The BCG Matrix

Developed By Bruce Henderson - For the Boston Consulting Group in 1968 to help corporations analyze business units or product lines. It helps companies allocate resources and is used as an analytical tool in brand marketing, product management, strategic management.

BCG Matrix

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Topics: Strategic Planning, BPM

The General Contractor And His Pattern Interrupt

Posted by Randal DeHart on Tue, Nov 01, 2011

*Bohunk Bob - Is one of the best construction business owners I have ever met. He is honest and a man of high integrity. If Bohunk tells you he will do something you can count on him to follow through because he believes in life you either produce reasons or results; and reasons don't count.

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Topics: Pattern Interrupt, Strategic Planning, General Contractor

The Contractor And The River Of Construction Commerce

Posted by Randal DeHart on Fri, Oct 28, 2011

The River Of Construction Commerce Has Two Areas

The Bad Area - Is where contractors without a Clear Business Strategy operate their Construction Company. Inside the rapids which are shallow, narrow, with boulders, trees and wrecked Construction Companies. It’s loud, rushing, churning like a Wild Roller Coaster with its violent ways which will exact a toll on even the strongest most determined contractor. In time it will wear them down to where they are dispirited and heartbroken or simply heart stopped and flat broke.

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Topics: QuickBooks For Contractors, Strategic Planning, 80 20 Rule, River Of Construction Commerce

Construction Company Strategy PAM vs. MAP?

Posted by Randal DeHart on Thu, Sep 22, 2011

Construction Company Growth Strategy

Most Construction Companies Use "P.A.M"

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Topics: Construction, Construction Strategy, Bookkeeping, Bookkeeping Services, Strategic Planning, Construction Accounting, Systems And Processes, MAP vs. PAM, General Contractor, 80 20 Rule

How To Access Your Full Desktop QuickBooks Online

Posted by Randal DeHart on Mon, Sep 12, 2011

Remote Access To Your QuickBooks Desktop Online

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Topics: Professional Bookkeepers, Bookkeeping Services, QuickBooks For Contractors, Strategic Planning, QuickBooks, QuickBooks Backup, Outsourced bookkeeping, Desktop QuickBooks Online, contractors bookkeeping and accounting seattle

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