Topics: Give Your Customers And Clients What They Want, High Profit Repeat Construction Clients, Clients or Customers, Clients, How To Charge Clients, Client Feedback, Bad Customer Service
The Problem With High-Profit Jobs In The Construction Industry
Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Apr 21, 2023
The most common situation is when a residential remodel contractor with a reputation and a substantial company generating 15% or more profits decides to start building custom homes. Or the opposite, a home builder who decides to branch out into residential remodeling.
Residential Remodel Contractor Building A Home
The processes, tools, equipment, materials, skills, and invoicing procedures required to build a house from the ground up differ entirely from modifying a home with people living there.
Topics: High Profit Construction Projects, High Return On Investment, Clients or Customers, Boost Construction Profitability
How To Weigh ROI Vs. Cost When Making a Business Purchase
Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Mar 31, 2023
The cost is the money you spend making the purchase plus any indirect costs (such as training costs) related to the purchase. The ROI is a calculation of financial gains or benefits that you obtain due to that cost.
To determine ROI profitability, there is a simple formula you can use. If the purchase yields a positive return, it can be considered profitable. However, if the purchase does not earn back the money it costs, it would be considered a negative return on investment.
Topics: High Return On Investment, Clients or Customers, Contractor Tips, ROI for Contractors
Construction Business Growth Through Networking And Having A Mentor
Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Mar 24, 2023
That's not to say it's hard to find, but finding a reputable source in the Internet age is sometimes less than straightforward – especially if you have a specific problem to solve and limited time.
This is why, for good times or bad, developing a network of peers or seeking out a business mentor can be a great idea.
Topics: High Profit Repeat Construction Clients, Construction Accountant Who Listens, Clients or Customers, Contractor Tips
Topics: High Profit Repeat Construction Clients, Construction Accountant Who Listens, Clients or Customers, Contractor Tips
How To Grow Your Construction Network Without In-Person Events
Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Aug 28, 2020
Topics: Networking, Clients or Customers, Contractor, Contractor Tips, Contractor Operating Tips
Troublesome Customers Every Contractor Should Learn To Recognize And Deal With
Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Jul 24, 2020
Topics: Construction Accounting, Clients or Customers, Customers, Contractor, Contractor Tips, Contractor Operating Tips
Do You Want Customers Or Clients For Your Construction Business?
Posted by Randal DeHart on Fri, Jun 01, 2012
Customers - Are disloyal price buyers who purchase commodities and services with cost as their primary consideration.
Topics: Clients or Customers, Customers Vs. Clients, Customers, Clients