Practical Procedures To Boost Your Construction Business Profitability
Posted by Randal DeHart on Fri, Oct 18, 2019
Topics: Processes, Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips
Why Track The Construction Company Owner's Time On Jobs
Posted by Sharie DeHart on Tue, Oct 15, 2019
Topics: Payroll Processing, Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips, finance, Contractor Operating Tips, Payroll For Construction Contractors
Top Reasons Why Contractors Have A Hard Time Loaning From The Bank
Posted by Randal DeHart on Fri, Oct 11, 2019
- You loaned money to a friend or relative
- Provided labor and material for somebody's home or business without a deposit check
- Did change order work that you never got paid for doing and never will
- Gave employees an advance on their paycheck that you never got paid back
Multiply that by 100,000, and you will begin to understand why banks seem so tight-fisted about loaning money.
Topics: Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips, finance, Banking
Introducing The Scientific Remodeling System
Posted by David Hawke and Randall Soules on Fri, Oct 04, 2019
Today's Guest Article Is From David Hawke and Randall Soules
A real remodeling system designed to generate more wealth with less work.
I know it sounds like a cliché, and possibly even far fetched, but in this podcast episode, you’ll hear how this system came to exist and what gives its users the path to more wealth with less work.
That said, success is not a guarantee. It does take work, but if you have the desire, the Scientific Remodeling System will give you the systems and processes needed to not only thrive as a remodeler but also have the money and freedom to enjoy a personal life with friends and family.
Read More
Topics: Contractor, Project Management, Scientific Remodeling System
The Secret To Winning Bids And Getting The Best Projects
Posted by Randal DeHart on Tue, Oct 01, 2019
Topics: Key Performance Indicators, KPI, Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips, finance
How To Make More Money In Construction With SWOT Analysis
Posted by Randal DeHart on Fri, Sep 27, 2019
Developing a comprehensive strategy for your construction business can be about as much fun as wrestling a pig in the mud because:
- It is slippery and hard to get control over it.
- It will wear you out and frustrate you to no end.
- You will swear it is a complete waste of time.
- Your contractor buddies who are barely making a living will think you're crazy.
- In the end, you will be thoroughly worn out, exhausted and mentally drained.
What separates wealthy contractors from poor contractors?
- It's not a lack of opportunities to bid jobs or get leads because getting leads is easy.
- It's not lack of ambition because every contractor I know is active and ready to get busy.
- It's not a lack of intelligence or the ability to develop a production method and follow it to the end.
- It's not lack of money because if you follow my process, you know how to overcome that using O.P.M. (Other People's Money)
Topics: Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips, finance, SWOT Analysis
Contractor Bookkeeping Using QuickBooks In Just Ten Minutes A Day
Posted by Sharie DeHart on Tue, Sep 24, 2019
Topics: QuickBooks Training Online, Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips, finance, Contractor Operating Tips, Construction Books
Why High Demand Doesn't Always Equal To High Profit In Construction
Posted by Randal DeHart on Fri, Sep 20, 2019
Topics: Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips, finance, Contractor Operating Tips
A wise business owner once said, "Happiness is positive cash flow." As a business owner, I'm sure you agree. Everything is better when your cash-in exceeds your cash-out.
A cash crisis can be emotionally devastating, and it can even kill your business. If you've ever had to beg, borrow, and steal to cover tomorrows payroll you know what I mean.
Topics: Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips, finance, Contractor Operating Tips
What Every Contractor Needs To Know About Payroll Processing
Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Sep 13, 2019
- Employee advances and loans that you forget to deduct can drain away your entire profit.
- Timecards come in late causing payroll to be under enormous pressure to meet direct deposit deadlines.
- Tracking employee bonuses, reimbursements and garnishments take time and money and can cost your company some serious fines, penalties, and lost productivity if not handled correctly.
Topics: Payroll Processing, Contractor Challenges, Contractor, Contractor Tips, finance, Contractor Operating Tips, Payroll For Construction Contractors