Home Pro Success And How They Help Contractors Generate Leads
Leads, Leads, and more Leads! That is what contractors want! You post it on hundreds of forums, you talk about at the business network events with your friendly competitors.
Facebook is one of the hottest places to generate leads for your construction contracting company. It works for Handyman, Trade Contractors, General Contractors, Remodel Contractors, and home builders.
I had the pleasure to interview Corey Philip, founder of HomeProSuccess and he shared some tips and tricks to help contractor like you get more qualified leads.
1. Keep It Simple Because Simple Works.
Corey is a huge fan of data, without over complicating it because too much data slows down the buying process. He would rather keep everything simple and consistent, and he applies that to everything in his business from operations to accounting, and marketing.
2. Nobody Wants To Hear From Salespeople.
Nobody wakes up one morning as says “I want to be contacted by someone who will sell me something because I do not get enough opportunities to buy stuff I do not need, with money I do not have to impress people I do not like.
Old school sales tactics do not work any longer and when someone is persuaded to sign up for something he or she is rarely ‘sold’ and tend to be the customers from deep in the center of the earth where it is said to be a dry heat.
Corey prefers to educate you on his entire process and show you how Home Pro Success earns their reputation by letting customers choose them.
3. Knowing Your Cost Per Lead Is The Secret.
Getting more bang for your buck by knowing where and how to advertise is the difference between poor contractors barely getting by and rich, wealthy contractors.
You need a good solid Contractor Accounting System to know where your marketing dollars are most effective. Do you think you may be spending too much money on advertising, you’re not alone. Most contractors and home service business owners waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars on marketing schemes designed by somebody pretending to be skilled.
To develop a marketing system of your own that keeps your sales pipeline full, you need to know your cost per lead (per source). If you are spending 15% – 20% of their advertising you are spending too much!
4. Your Website Needs To Breathe.
Are you reading about how much business you can get online by hiring ‘website guy’ and six months later the website hasn’t generated any new business? Did you think “this website idea is a joke, it doesn’t work” or “the design must be terrible.” I have a Newsflash it’s neither one.
The design doesn’t matter as much as you think. Websites are a vital part of your Contractor home service business, but your website needs to breathe.
When you look at some of the websites of home service companies like Handyman, Painters, Electricians, Remodel Contractors, and Landscapers you will see most of them are tombstones marking a place where a vibrant live website once lived and breathed. The sites are not updated. No fresh blog content, no recent pictures, no eye-catching videos, just dead boring copy.
With billions of people on the internet, you can understand the importance of the contractor like you to have an effective web presence.
Contractors and Home Service Business Owners, let’s talk about that elephant in the room. You know how difficult it is to run, and grow a contracting company where you send people to your customer's homes and businesses, in your company trucks, with your company name, to complete services. That's why Corey created this Facebook group. Exclusively For Contractors & Home Service Business Owners. To Join Click Here (It's 100% Free). Verified Owners Only.
About The Author:
Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor, QuickBooks For Contractors Expert and Xero Accounting Specialist. This combination of experience and skill sets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant, and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and Xero accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/randal-dehart/ to learn more.
Our Co-Founder Randal DeHart - Is a Certified PMP (Project Management Professional) with several years of construction project management experience. His expertise is construction accounting systems engineering and process development. His exhaustive study of several leading experts including the work of Dr. W. Edward Deming, Michael Gerber, Walter A. Shewhart, James Lewis and dozens of others was the foundation upon which our Construction Bookkeeping System is based and continues to evolve and improve. Check out our Contractor Success Map Podcast on iTunes and Follow Randal on Google+
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