It's the Holiday Season which means everyone is so busy thinking of everyone else.
Wrapping up the end of the year, getting one more thing done that makes sense. I want to be the person who says Merry Christmas! You have earned it. Many of Holiday movies are variations of “Scrooge” based on “This Is Good” and “That Is Bad.” Anyone who has not had any challenges in life has been either extremely lucky or in a very protected bubble.
Congratulations To You Construction Contractor On Your Success!
Please send me all your extra four-leaf clovers. If your favorite Happy Leprechaun is not too busy, I will take a little extra Magic. I can never have too much Magic or Sunshine.
Life Happens. Challenges Happen. Some Good, some bad depending on the perception of the event.
We can all look back and see what we might have done differently. The question is, Did we make a decision? Did that decision seem to be the best decision to make based on the information on hand at that time?
If you and I make a thoughtful decision (not a knee-jerk reaction), then it is a good decision. Sometimes we think I should have, could have, if and only, but, because and [fill in the blank]. These are negative thoughts that are not useful. All negative thoughts just drag you down into a bad mental place.
I offer The Serenity Prayer As A Beacon Of Truth:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference…..
Between religions, the name of God may change; however, from my viewpoint, the message of the prayer is the same all over the world no matter what religion is your choice. The key is you have a choice to believe, what you want to believe and how to practice your faith. The sun rises and sets for each one of us every day.
- Embrace Life
- Enjoy The Day – Moment By Moment.
- Do Something Fun.
- Watch The Sunset.
- Listen To The Birds Sing.
- Hear A Train Whistle.
Rejoice In The Laughter Of Children for at that moment they are embracing their world with complete abandonment. Smile. Think Happy Thoughts. The Simplest Things Are Free.
Every day, everyone can find a reason to be frustrated if they are looking from that particular view.
The other driver is driving too slow, too fast, recklessly, music is too loud, passing out hand gestures, honking their horn, on their cell phone, texting, car issues of smoke from the tailpipe, car smells, bad tires, no headlights. The list of things to be annoyed about is endless; no one is exempt.
While we are annoyed, there is nothing more dangerous than someone is crossing in the middle of the street, at night, wearing all dark clothes, either being clueless of the danger or playing chicken with cars. Drivers, everywhere at some point during the day or nighttime hours will see happen repeatedly.
It used to be when we heard someone who appeared to be talking to themselves, that they were (to put it politely) a little troubled in the head (an old-fashioned saying). Now with cell phones and wireless headsets or earpieces, it is a little harder to pick out the people who appear to be talking to invisible friends.
It is easy to listen to the news and become depressed, agitated, or thinking the challenges of the day are hopeless to overcome. Mother Teresa said it best.
We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.- Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Now that we have defined the problem – What is the solution?
Think Lemonade. Shift in thinking – Are you thinking Inside The Box or Outside The Box? Life is a series of challenges, followed more lessons, tests, and quizzes. It is how we react that makes the difference.
On any construction project – Bearing Walls is Inside The Box (Laws of Physics) The WOW Factor that your clients dreamed of is Outside The Box.
Construction Accounting – Numbers are Inside The Box (State, Local, Federal Income Tax, Payroll Tax, Sales Tax Reports) The Estimate Process chosen by you for each project is Outside The Box.
As a Construction Contractor, much of your world is Outside The Box. You make what seems like the impossible and turn it into a finished product; whole house remodel, kitchen or bath remodel, new roof, install an attic fan, replace windows, deck, patio, hot tub, swimming pool, children’s backyard playhouse.
The Handyman Contractor fixes “Things,” and those things are very important to the clients who need them. Fixing a door, hanging a closet rod, moving something, removing something. In comparison to a Whole House Remodel it may seem like you are not doing anything. Reality is that to the person who needed the work done that a few simple little things may change their whole world for the better. Your Work as a Handyman Contractor it brings joy to their life. Be Proud of it.
You Need To Determine Who Fits The Profile Of Your Best Customer?
What Do The Like To Do? What Are You Good At Doing? Any Construction Contractor can have Fantastic Quality Workmanship in some phases of construction and have to deal with a myriad of separate unrelated issues if you do not like the work. One of the simple ways to start if looking at your QuickBooks Report “Job Profitability Summary. This is the first step to understanding and using the 80/20 Rule For Success In Contracting.
Biggest Gifts a Construction Contractor can give to themselves is the power of choice.
- Increase Pricing As Needed
- Collect Job Deposits
- Ask Customer For The Money
- Learn The Power of NO!
As a person who thinks Outside The Box - From time to time Randal has had to Tell Me No. The wonderful idea that I have is physically is impossible to do. How can that be, I made a drawing and everything. The answer must be a bigger hammer, taller ladder, stronger person, [fill in the blank] tool.
I think he is just trying to pop my balloon. In reality, Randal never pops my balloon. No matter how much I think outside the box, visualize about what I think will work, the fact is it is just not going to happen.
Sometimes it is the person doing it makes all of the difference in the world. What is your strength?
It is always a beautiful site to see a semi-sitting somewhere where most of us could not park a VW Bug.
Truck Drivers are a highly skilled craftsman who performs Magical Deeds so we will have the basics of food, clothing, shelter and the fun stuff we want but do not necessarily need. Delivered all types of weather.
Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
A final gift to yourself is to live in the area of the country you want to live in. It will make you work life more enjoyable, personal life much happier. Add all of the small things together it can suddenly become a big thing.
Life is a journey that happens One Day At A Time, One Decision At A Time, One Choice At A Time Made By Each of Us. Tomorrow is always a New Day, with every prospect of being a happier day if we let it.
Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas
In Conclusion:
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About The Author:
Sharie DeHart, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations and offers insights on how to manage the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. 206-361-3950 or
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