Doug Sleeter and Michelle L. Long will be presenting at the event as they help your QuickBooks consulting practice to plan and implement the transition from redundant, "old-world" accounting technologies to the new, integrated technologies.
Details and registration:
Topics Covered:
-Going paperless with
-Automatically enter scanned data with Scanwriter
-Upload and manage expense receipts and reports on the go with Concur
-Provide your services on the go with Intuit Apps
-Build your customer relationships with MethodCRM
-Hire, retain, and manage your staff from any location with HarborCloud hosting
The event is at the beautiful Edgewater Hotel in downtown Seattle on June 7th from 9:30-3:30.
Knowing Shelly this event will be pacded tight with good solid information so I recommend attendees be highly skilled in QuickBooks in order to get the most out of it.
We highly recommend this event to all our accounting professional friends!
"Hello! We've had a such a great response from sponsors for the QuickBooks Technology Boot Camp, but we REALLY need more folks to come to it! That's why I am now offering the Boot Camp at NO CHARGE for our members, and at just $35 for guests of members. If you haven't registered yet, please do so, and if you haven't found a friend to bring with you, please do so!
The Breakfast with Doug Sleeter is going to be $35 and your payment for the Boot Camp will be transferred to the Breakfast."
About The Author: