Give Your Customers And Clients Whatever They Want, Not What You Want!
Are You Ready To Wake Up - To a swollen river of cash flow or continue sleeping on the hard mattress of regret under the cold blanket of lost opportunity?
You Can Be Right Or Rich - Everybody picks one or the other to some degree because nobody can do both for very long. You can pick one on purpose or by default. The more you want to right the less you will be rich and the reverse is true.
We Have Asked Questions - Of homeowners, commercial property owners, landlords, commercial space tenants and even a few car buyers, computer buyers, ship buyers and consumers about their overall buying experience for over 30 years and the one answer that comes up most often relates to getting what the wanted, not what the salesperson or contractor thought was best. Focus on giving customers and clients what they want has been and continues to be profitable.
My Script Book - Has a list of questions that are continually honed, polished, updated and replaced from which I pick and choose the ones to use depending on the situation.
Develop Your Own Script Book - And record the questions and answers that you find encourage people to open up and get to the fourth level of truth because when you do the service you will render will be far in excess of the money you earn.
Questions For - Social gatherings are more casual, business meetings are more focused, network events somewhere in the middle, focus group events very intense and tightly focused.
The Two Most Powerful Questions:
What were your most important criteria in making the purchase decision?
What is the one thing you remembered about your purchase?
Question #1 Most Common Answer - "Price" because for most people it is a conditioned response they learned early in life. It is similar to ringing a bell; it gets people's attention; Stimulus & Response. If you ever get mugged, and I hope you never do; yell "FIRE" because everybody wants to see a fire but very few people will respond to a cry for "HELP".
Question #2 Most Common Answer - "I could or could not get what I wanted!" There is a lot of money making power in this answer and it does not come fast or easy. In fact in most cases it takes a while to get to it...because:
Truth Is Four Levels Deep:
What people want to hear
What people want to believe
Everything else out in the world
The Truth of what they really believe
Construction Business Owners - With annual sales volume of less than $5,000,000 if you want to double, triple and quadruple your cash flow and net profit pay attention to this one thing:
Give Your Customer Or Client What They Want Not What You Think Is Best!
If I Had A Dime - For every time a contractor ignored what their customer or client was asking for because they were thinking of what they were going to say, which related to what they thought was best for their customer or client I would buy a brand new sports car to take my girlfriend, wife, sweetheart, Sharie on a sightseeing road trip across America.
Listening - With empathy and understanding is one of the most valuable gifts one person can give to another person is to listen and let someone speak until they are finished. Great speakers who make deep noises from the chest sound like important messages from the brain have a captive audience and it is 180 degrees opposite of truly listening.
Questioning - When your construction customer or client makes a point about something that could be important wait until an appropriate break in the conversation and ask for clarification. For example the new deck needs to be really strong...could be an important point...perhaps they entertain a lot of sumo wrestlers or professional football you care by asking. The preceding examples could save you a lot of money by not under-building something and in fact could make you a lot of money with add on sales.
Observing - Detectives make a lot of money and the best ones have a keen eye for observation. Much can be said about this and I recommend you read the book "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko available at and other bookstores.
We Had Several Clients - In our construction businesses we had a lot of repeat and referral clients. One in particular lived in the Magnolia neighborhood of Seattle. A sweet little old lady on a "Fixed Income" that we did a substantial amount of work on her house.
Every Time, Like Clockwork - When I would quote price for a new project she would almost tear up talking about how she may have to do without something special in order to have the work done. I would ask how ever she could live on a mere $8,000,000 a year. Her response as always, "It is not easy but thank goodness the house and car is paid for and I have no other debts."
We Did A Lot Of work - For her and her friends and neighbors in the area and they were all raving fans! Why? Because of Listening, Questioning and Observing and always, always, always giving a little more in value than we took in dollars. The key is always give a fair price that insures your company will earn a handsome profit and hire professionals to do excellent work.
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This Is One More Example of how Fast Easy Accounting is helping construction company owners just like you put more money in the bank to operate and grow your construction company. Construction accounting is not rocket science; it is a lot harder than that and a lot more valuable to people like you and me so stop missing out! Call Sharie 206-361-3950 or and schedule your no charge one-hour consultation
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About The Author:
Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor, QuickBooks For Contractors Expert and Xero Accounting Specialist. This combination of experience and skill sets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and Xero accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit to learn more.
Our Co-Founder Randal DeHart - Is a Certified PMP (Project Management Professional) with several years of construction project management experience. His expertise is construction accounting systems engineering and process development. His exhaustive study of several leading experts including the work of Dr. W. Edward Deming, Michael Gerber, Walter A. Shewhart, James Lewis and dozens of others was the foundation upon which our Construction Bookkeeping System is based and continues to evolve and improve. Check out our Contractor Success Map Podcast on iTunes and Follow Randal on Google+